Rise from of failure - everyone must have felt a failure, because failure is not always in big things. Failure to build relationships, fail to maintain good grades, and fail to get a job, are some examples of failures we often encounter in our daily lives. But I quote one of the global business owners of the Virgin group, which oversees more than 400 world-renowned companies, that there are really interesting things that are actually in the logic. I quote a little in my statement: "In fact, no one really fails in everything he does, no matter how bad he is, he does not really fail when they are still trying what they dream of." The real failure belongs only to those who stop trying and do not continue what they tried "He said.
How do people succeed and think positively in responding to failure? They have a belief that failure is a way to learn to understand something and make it a valuable experience and a lesson not to fall into the same hole again. While those who are pessimistic and unwilling to fail will condemn the situation while searching for the reasons for their failure. For successful entrepreneurs, their way out of failure and looking to the future is one of the main things. Such a position can be learned and can be used. Here are some tips and how to respond positively to failure to rise as shown below:
Do not hide failures
It will be stressful to be overwhelmed and overwhelmed by failure. In fact, it is not easy to accept the fact that we have failed, and it is not easy to accept that many know that we failed. But trying to accept failure with an open heart will motivate yourself as valuable experience and study to improve a more positive and better life.
Look for reasons and solutions instead of looking for a scapegoat
After we can open our hearts and accept failure, the next step to addressing this issue in a positive way is to discover all the causes and solutions, not just find a scapegoat. Although there are many "X" factors that may affect failure but the biggest factor that affects our failure is ourselves. Instead of wasting energy and time searching for a scapegoat for failure, it is better to use the time and energy we waste to find the logical causes of our failure and identify them, then we can find the correct ways and solutions to take corrective steps.
Arrange and develop a more mature plan to correct the failure
Quoting Richard Bradford, owner of the Virgin Group, that "no one really fails when they're still working on it," saying that failure is to delay true success with quotations "for those who continue to learn from mistakes and continue to strive," those who can learn from mistakes They will be less likely to fall into the same hole again and will be more experienced than before, making the character stronger.
If you find a failure similar to entering a mud pond, so that you are able to continue the journey, we must find a way to not go back while looking for ways to clean ourselves perhaps by bathing and cleaning the mud spots. No need to wait and expect someone to come with clean water and towels. Every time you find failure, always look for reasons, learn, plan better to solve them, then do them well.
View and think more optimistic
To get a positive result, it is normal to think and act more positively. People who have the ability to accept failures usually see failure as a result of something wrong and can be treated, not blame something beyond their will such as laziness, knowledge, etc. When they can think positively, it will also affect their actions on the positive track. When someone thinks with optimism, acting more positively will also be more positive. Optimistic thinking and positive actions can replace dark clouds of failure in a bright light towards success.
Continuity and instability in his struggle for height
If the perspective and optimism in the mental field, perseverance in the world of work. How to do things confidently and certainly, with optimism. Stable and unstable people can be seen from the way they rise when they fall repeatedly
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